Orange Ex-Services’ Club is committed to the provision of a safe and compliant environment for the benefit of its members, visitors, employees and contractors. The Club recognises the importance of security measures to mitigate the risk of physical or psychological hazards within each of its venues and has a broad number of security measures in place to minimise risk and maximise our reputation as a safe and professionally managed venue. Continuous closed-circuit television (CCTV) is in operation across all Club premises, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, governed by Workplace Surveillance Act and Regulations.
​The Privacy Policy of Orange Ex-Services’ Club Ltd and its related entities (‘OESC’) sets out how the organisation collects, uses, discloses and holds personal information. You can obtain a copy of the privacy policy from www.oesc.com.au or contact the Privacy Officer via email: privacy@oesc.com.au.
Orange Ex-Services’ Club acknowledges the responsibility and privilege of holding a license to operate gaming machines and other forms of gambling within the state of New South Wales. Our organisation encourages the responsible use of gambling facilities and abides by the Club Gaming Code of Practice (Code).
A Board endorsed policy sets the organisation's commitment to the provision of a framework to endorse and fulfill legislative requirements and principles of the responsible conduct of gaming, including resource commitment for continued evolving, in line with Government and Industry best practice solutions.
Through adoption of this policy the OESC Board will:
Ensure the provision and use of gambling products occur in a safe and enjoyable manner.
Prioritise customer welfare and sustainable gambling activities.
Promote timely provision of resources for those who need or request information or help in a discreet and professional manner, thus enabling these individuals to make timely and informed decisions about their gambling practices.
Adopt responsible gambling and harm minimisation measures in accordance with the Code.
Promote the social and economic benefits of responsible gambling and the gaming industry.
A full copy of the OESC Responsible Gambling policy is posted for viewing on the main noticeboard at each OESC licensed venue.
As a ClubsNSW ClubSAFE Premium Member, OESC has varying strategies in place and resources available to assist patrons and concerned family members with the management of gambling.
Resources are available in a range of languages. Access to interpreters is available upon request.OESC Duty Managers are available to discuss or implement any harm minimisation measure with anyone, at any time.
Gaming Exclusion Programs:
Voluntary Self-Exclusion:
A multi-venue gambling self-exclusion (MVSE) scheme is available to any individual, who, at their own request is able to enter into a legal deed to prevent them entering or remaining in gaming areas or partaking in various gambling activities of a licensed venue.
Minimum exclusion period is six (6) months.
Exclusion from multiple licensed premises (clubs & hotels) can be included in a single exclusion deed.
Gambling exclusions may also extend to TAB/wagering and Keno.
A self-facilitated self-exclusion option allows patrons to apply to exclude themselves online, 24/7, without attending a gaming venue, and before seeing a gambling counsellor. To access this facility, https://mvse.com.au/self-facilitation
Family Initiated Exclusion:
When a person’s gambling is causing their family harm it may be appropriate to consider applying for a family-initiated exclusion.A responsible gambling counsellor will work with the family, the player and the club, separately and privately, to determine whether an exclusion is necessary. The minimum exclusion period would be twelve (12) months and is limited to OESC group venues. A Player can appeal family-initiated exclusions to the Code Adjudication Panel. Upon initial approach to OESC, the third party will be provided with a brochure featuring family self-exclusion information and links to commence steps for assistance.
Information brochures are available via: www.clubsnsw.com.au/gamingcodeofpractice
Venue Initiated Exclusion:
In line with the Club Gaming Code of Practice, OESC may apply for venue-initiated exclusion if a player displays any of the following problem gambling behaviours or through:
Seeking credit for gambling.
Seeking to borrow money for gambling.
Admitting to borrowing or stealing money to gamble.
Leaving a minor unattended while playing gaming machines.
A venue-initiated exclusion is for a minimum period of 12 months and is limited to OESC Group venues. A Player can appeal venue-initiated exclusions to the Code Adjudication Panel.
Player Activity Statements (PAS):
A monthly player activity statement will be provided on request to the account holder, if the account has been active, free of charge.
A request form may be obtained from the Cashier or requested via an email to PASrequest@oesc.com.au with your name, member # and month of play requested.
For the protection of player privacy, statements can only be collected in person, upon presentation of a venue recognised form of photo identification that matches player details.
Account Limit Setting / Voluntary Pre-Commitment Limits:
The account holder of a player account may set a weekly account limit by written request to the Club. The request should state the amount that the player wishes to be restricted to each week (turnover minus wins). The player will be notified via the card reader once carded play has reached their nominated limit. If a weekly account limit is set, the player may alter the limit by written request to the Club. Forms for account limit setting are available from the Cashier.
Access to Cash Policy
Under no circumstances will a cash advance or form of credit be extended to a player at an OESC venue. The OESC solicitation policy does not tolerate any form of solicitation by any party for cash or money lending at OESC venues.
OESC has adopted policy & procedures with regard to the management of persons under the age of 18. Such procedures include:
Adoption of guardian definitions from the Liquor Act for entry to licensed premise.
Adhoc ID checking of persons who may appear to look under 25 at various points whilst in-venue.
Procedures for, and non-tolerance of, unaccompanied minors.
Zero tolerance approach for minors policy breaches.
OESC is committed to the Responsible Service of Alcohol and actively implements policies and procedures in accordance with the current Liquor Act (NSW) and related legislation.
A provision of the Liquor Act is that licensed venues provide a LiquorSelf-Exclusion program. If you wish to exclude yourself from a licensed venue, you can enter into a liquor self-exclusion agreement with the Licensee/CEO.
Where a liquor self-exclusion is in force, venue staff have the legal power to prevent you from entering the venue, and to remove you from the venue.
If you wish to discuss how a liquor self-exclusion can assist you, kindly make an enquiry with the Duty Manager, either on-site or via phone: 02 6362 2666. The Club's CEO will meet with you should you wish to enter into a Liquor Self-Exclusion.
For more information visit: www.liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.au/community-and-stakeholders/community-support/self-exclusion-from-liquor-venues
OESC plays an active role as coordinator for the Orange Liquor Accord, working with Local Area Government and Law Enforcement to help prevent alcohol related anti-social behaviour and improve the perception of safety in the City of Orange. For further information visit: www.orangeliquoraccord.com.au
STAR REWARDS is a tiered member rewards program for Orange Ex-Services’ Club members. It’s our way of thanking you for your loyalty, with tiered discounts and bonuses. As a member, you can earn points on nominated everyday purchases across OESC venues and utilise them to pay for future purchases.
Member Loyalty Program brochures are available from Club venues. A full copy of the loyalty program terms
& conditions can be obtained via Club Reception upon request.
Note that loyalty point balances for 3 and 4 STAR members are zeroed at the end of trade on the 31st day of December each year unless otherwise communicated.
If at any point you do not wish to be part of this program, kindly forward your request in writing to The CEO, or via email to enquiries@oesc.com.au so your account can be deactivated as soon as practical.
Membership cards are encoded with a generic PIN number. You are urged to personalise your PIN number through the loyalty kiosk(s). Reception staff are happy to assist you upon request. The security of points on your card is your responsibility. The Club accepts no responsibility for points redeemed illegitimately from membership cards.
We welcome the opportunity to hear all feedback, suggestions and correct the problems and concerns of patrons. Management are always available to listen to your praise, suggestions or grievances.
Venue Duty Managers are the primary contact points for positive feedback, complaints, disputes and recommendations, being equipped to handle a multitude of scenarios on the spot. Alternatively, a Member Suggestion box is conveniently located within each venue for your use.
In the event a complaint cannot be handled satisfactorily by a Duty Manager at an Operational Management level, it will be forwarded to the Chief Operating Officer, who will respond as soon as practical if contact details have been provided.
If the matter has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may wish to put your feelings in writing to the CEO. We will do our best to let you know decision reasoning and/or results by phone or in-person (and followed up by writing if requested) within 30 days.